Thursday, December 15, 2011

...And So It Ends...

"Several times I looked behind to see who was pushing my cart...only to find that no one was there." -Levi Savage (17 Miracles)

It's interesting to pause for a moment and look back on the past four months of my life.  Med/Surg is notoriously the most demanding semester in the nursing program at BYU.  In all honesty...this semester has by FAR been the best semester I have had while attending BYU.  Would I want to go through that again...nope.  It was hard.  There is something about doing hard things that makes you realize just how not alone you are. 

Everyone always asks me what is was about BYUH that I loved so much.  I always just say the beach, the weather, or the laid back attitude of everyone.  All of those things are true, but I really only say those things because I'm not sure how to describe in words what it was that made me love BYUH.  I think after this semester, I have a better understanding however.  It was hard...a different kind of hard.  For the first time I had to stand up for myself, I learned what friendship meant, I learned what forgiveness entailed, and learned to prioritize what really is important in life, and that's not always school (sometimes it is though). 

This semester I had many experiences that were hard; some school, some not.  In both cases (BYUH and now) I often look back and wonder how I did it.  I can legitimately say that there were days that should not have been possible.  Where there was too much to do, to many people too talk to, and just not enough sleep or time to do it all.  Now, four months later, I'm looking back to see who was pushing my cart.  No one is there...physically.  I know without doubt that miracles still happen. Everyday. 

Two nights ago I was sitting at my computer, pretty much in tears ripping out my hair.  All I wanted was to "pass" this pharmacology test.  I had worked hard all semester, and to get the grade I wanted would have just been the perfect cherry to finish off the semester.  15 hours of studying...and I still didn't feel confident for this test.  That's when my roommates, who had no idea what was going on, asked if I wanted to go on a walk around the block.  I have never laughed more in my life than I did in that mile walk!  Tender mercy...miracle...whatever you want to call happened.  My cart is not being pushed from behind, it's being carried. 

So...Merry Christmas. It's been good.  Until next time :)  That's All. 

    PS. There is something really hilarious in this pic...haha    

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